One Bowl Banana Oat Bars

One Bowl Banana Oat Bars

I've been buying way too many bananas lately, as if that's a real thing! I got into a phase where I felt like I was constantly running low, so I began doubling up on my bunches. I typically have one bunch sliced in the freezer, one bunch not ripe yet and one bunch that are getting VERY speckled. Did you know that a bunch is technically called a "hand" and each individual banana on the bunch is a "finger"? On Sunday, my speckled hand was on the verge of black so I turned my very ripe fingers into this week's breakfast treat!

If you have twenty minutes- then you have enough time to make these Banana Oat Bars from prep to baked! They only require seven ingredients and one bowl. Make these bars on Sunday and you'll have them for a grab and go breakfast all week long. It's just that easy. 

One Bowl Banana Oat Bars

You need:

  • Coconut Oil 
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2.5 cups old fashioned (rolled) oats
  • 1/4-1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tbl cashew butter or almond butter
  • 1 tbl ground cinnamon
  • 1 tbl honey
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 

Get cooking:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Grease a square pan with the coconut oil. (I used a 9x9 so my bars were thin but you could use something smaller if that is what you have!)
  3. In a medium bowl, mash the bananas. Add remaining ingredients (start with 1/4 cup almond milk, add more if needed). Stir until combined.
  4. Pour banana oat mixture into pan and spread evenly. 
  5. Bake 12 minutes. Cut into bars!

Store these in the fridge to keep fresh. 

-Recipe adapted from Deliciously Ella Every Day cookbook (Banana Breakfast Bars)

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