Mediterranean Lentil Bowl

Mediterranean Lentil Bowl

I vote that any kitchen concoction worthy of beginning with the word "Mediterranean" and ending with the word" bowl" is a winner! These zesty lentils are doused with lemon juice and grapeseed oil before they're sprinkled with the essential spices and fresh herbs. I can't think of any other way to describe this bowl than super tasty and fresh. After a nice overnight chill in the fridge- the flavors meld together in that magic way only a night spent in the refrigerator can do for a dish. 

This recipe is good for four decent portions- making it excellent for a week of grab-n-go lunches or quick dinners. This recipe is quick to pull off but rewards with such tremendous light but invigorating flavors. 

Once upon a time, I associated lentils with canned lentil soup but I now know better! These little pods give off just the right amount of chew when cooked al dente. Lentils are packed with protein so this recipe can easily be a dinner staple that will fill you up. 

Mediterranean Lentil Bowl

You need:

  • 4 cups water

  • 1/2 cup green lentils

  • 1/2 cup french lentils

  • 1/2 cup red lentils (but green would work)

  • 2 1/2 tbl grape seed oil

  • 2.5 tbl fresh lemon juice

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp black pepper

  • 1/3 cup parsley, chopped

  • 1/3 cup sundried tomatoes, chopped

  • 1/3 cup black olives, sliced

  • 1 zest of lemon

Get cooking:

  1. Pick through lentils for any weird, discolored beans.

  2. Add lentils and water to a medium size pot. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20 minutes until tender but still remain a nice chew, let cool. (If they cook too long, you'll end up with a mushy mess.)

  3. Add lentils to a large bowl with remaining ingredients: grape seed oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, parsley, sundried tomatoes, olives and zest. Give it a good stir!

  4. Eat right away or let chill in fridge to let flavors marry.

The lentils will stay good for about 4 days! 

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