Glowing Vanilla Shake

Glowing Vanilla Shake

This version of a vanilla shake (housed of course in a bowl) isn’t quite the classic vanilla milkshake you might envision when you think of such an iconic American treat. However, my recipe involves no ice cream, no dairy, no added sugar and definitely no preservatives or foreign chemicals so we are SO winning by comparison! 

Not only is it already packed with good-for-you fruits but with the addition of cauliflower - this rich and delicious smoothie/shake/bowl is just over the top wonderful. 

I love to make my smoothies SUPER thick, l actually wish I didn’t have to include liquid at all. The closer to an ice cream consistency that I can get, the better. 

The month of July always puts me into a very-Americana mood. I deck the house out in stars, stripes, navy, red and use the entire month as the perfect reason to break out all my favorite summertime flavors. I wanted to pull those flavors into a quick recipe and as per usual it came out in the form of a smoothie (when doesn’t it? I literally live off smoothies and smoothies bowls, y’all!) 

Let’s walk through the benefits of this Glowing Vanilla Shake. 

Cauliflower may be the white veggie but that doesn’t mean it’s lacking in the nutrition department or in the versatility arena. From tacos to salads to smoothies- is there anything cauliflower can't do? Cauliflower is a great provider of Vitamin C and folates. Tahini (ground sesame seeds) is typically used in savory dishes as a component in dressings but I love using it in this unexpected way. Sesame seeds are a rich source of calcium and Vitamin E which is an antioxidant, helping to protect those precious cells of yours from the harm caused by free radicals! Hemp seeds are a wonderful source of protein and Omega-3s not to mention they do magic to help give your skin that glowing, just showered freshness. Vanilla and banana add sweetness, creaminess and the most pleasant aroma! I'm sold!!!

Glowing Vanilla Shake

You need:

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup cauliflower- steamed & blanched, frozen or raw (if you have a high-speed blender) will work!
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • 1 TBSP runny tahini 
  • 1 TBSP hemp seed
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 

Get cooking:

  1. Add all ingredients to a blender, puree until thick and creamy. 
  2. If you need to add more liquid to get your shake moving, do so in small increments. 
  3. If eating as a bowl top with chia, cherries and granola!


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