Heavenly Avocado Chocolate Pudding (Smoothie) Bowl

Heavenly Avocado Chocolate Pudding (Smoothie) Bowl

The name for this... is long but accurate! Thank you Rachel Mansfield for the serious inspo on creating this one-of-a-kind lush pudding smoothie concoction! This bowl is so chocolatey and decadent that you'll forget you're eating a low sugar breakfast (or lunch or quite frankly, dessert too)!  I made just a few changes from Rachel's recipe but click above to see hers!

I saw Rachel post this recipe awhile ago but hadn't given it a go until I found myself in a serious smoothie rut! I typically head straight for the bright green, veggie loaded smoothies to start my day but having ran out of kale this baby stepped up to complete the breakfast task. The frozen factor in this recipe is zucchini instead of tried and true frozen banana chunks!

The avocado delivers the most creamy consistency you could ever want from a smoothie pudding (ha!) while also ushering in all the good fats. Avocados also contain over 20 vitamins and minerals! Avocados are a rich source of vitamins C, E, K, and B-6, in addition to riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium and potassium. AND they contain lutein, beta-carotene and omega 3- fatty acids. Lastly, the fat in avocados help us feel full and satisfied! 

This low sugar treat is a must! 

Heavenly Avocado Chocolate Pudding (Smoothie) Bowl

You need:

  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 cup frozen zucchini chunks
  • 1 TBSP raw cacao powder
  • 2 scoops organic chocolate protein powder
  • 1 scoop unflavored collagen peptides 
  • 1 cup coconut milk or nut based milk
  • Raw cacao nips and shredded coconut for topping

Get cooking:

  1. Add all ingredients to a high speed blender. I like to add the least amount of liquid to my smoothies to start so that they become ultra thick! Start with 1 cup then add more as needed. Use the provided tamper if using a Vitamix. 
  2. Blend, blend, blend! 
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