Raw Snickerdoodle Cookies

Raw Snickerdoodle Cookies

If there was an award for the best fruit I do believe the wondrous date would take home the trophy! Dates are incredibly sweet and they always satisfy my dessert cravings. They are an essential pantry staple in my house and I've used them in this recipe to bind the cookies. You'll also find them thrown into smoothie recipes or used to naturally sweeten baked treats. 

Snickerdoodles were always my cookie of choice and I'm thrilled that I've come up with a recipe that brings back the cinnamon nostalgia. Best of all, there is no baking involved!

Raw Snickerdoodle Cookies

You need:

  • 10 Medjool dates (pitted)
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews
  • 1/2 cup raw pecans
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 & 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon oil 
  • 2 tsp coconut oil (in solid state)
  • Healthy dash of salt

Get cooking:

  1. Combine cashews and pecans in a food processor and pulse until very crumbly. Be careful to not over process or you'll blend them into a nut butter. 
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the food processor: dates, vanilla powder, cinnamon, cinnamon oil, coconut oil and a healthy dash of salt. Blend until your mixture incorporates and becomes very sticky. 
  3. Spoon mixture onto a baking sheet and press against the corner until your cookie mixture is about 1/2 thick. (See photo for reference!)
  4. Freeze 1 hour! 
  5. Once firmly set, cut cookies out with a round cookie cutter or simply slice into bars. 

Store these cookies in the fridge.

**You can certainly make these cookies without the cinnamon oil, they'll just be less bold than the version above. This recipe makes 5 large cookies. 

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