Morning Greens

Morning Greens

My Vitamix arrived yesterday afternoon and I couldn't wait to power that bad boy up! I have been dying for one of these super blenders but with their hefty price tag, I just couldn't pull the trigger on purchasing. My friend, Sam, told me about her experience with a medical hardship program that Vitamix offers. Vitamix selects people from a pool of applicants with serious medical diseases and ailments to receive free reconditioned blenders. I wrote in about my medical history and after everything was said and done, I got selected! 

Not only am I over the moon about this BAD A** blender but am overwhelmed with appreciation and gratitude to the generous people who run the Vitamix brand. Now, on to the actual Vitamix...this is my first recipe testing my new machine and it broke down the fruits and veggies into a smooth liquid faster than you can say "HOLY GUACAMOLE YOU GOT A FREE VITAMIX?"

My Morning Greens blend features eight vegetables and fruits with a splash of coconut water. There is one fully packed cup of kale hiding behind the sweet taste of pineapple. Its vibrant color will have you buzzing into your day's errands with energy and positivity. Kale, aka Queen of Greens, is high in fiber and low in calories. Kale brings an insane amount of vitamins to your smoothie party. Coconut water, pineapple, cucumber, pear and tart green apple bring plenty of hydration. Avocado and frozen bananas lend their creaminess to this smoothie. My Morning Greens is the exact right way to kick off a healthful day of activity. 

Morning Greens

You need: 

  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1/2 cup chopped cucumber
  • 1 cup packed kale
  • 1/2 large pear chopped
  • 1 large frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1 green apple
  • 1/4 avocado 

Get blending:

  1. Add cucumber and coconut water to the blender. Blend until liquid!
  2. Add remaining ingredients, starting with the softest ingredients nearest the blades and hardest (frozen) ingredients furthest from blades. 
  3. Enjoy!

Makes two servings! 



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