Cashew Sour Cream

Cashew Sour Cream

I once screamed for ice cream, I still scream for banana nice cream but this past week I've been screaming for CASHEW SOUR CREAM!

This stuff is magic. I have tried every nondairy sour cream that I've ever come across but nothing compares to this magic. I am incredibly excited to have finally discovered THE perfect alternative to the tangy, cooling, thick sour cream I use to once know and love. 

I made my first batch of this heavenly substance on Saturday and I've managed to find a way to sneak it into at least one dish every day since then. Taco stuffed sweet potatoes- check! Vegetable soup - check! Inside a smoothie - heck yes! By the spoonful- well, actually.... yes! I'm truly so excited about this creation... in the rare instance you haven't picked up on that yet. 

If you have ever trusted me on something, trust me on this. You will never miss traditionally crafted sour cream again! Did I mention this miracle cream is made with only five ingredients and takes about one minute to blitz in the blender? I would never lie. Start prepping those cashews now!

Cashew Sour Cream

You need:

  • 1 1/2 cups raw cashews
  • 3/4 cup water (plus more for soaking)
  • 2 tablespoons +  1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt (add to taste)

Get cooking:

  1. Place cashews in a bowl and cover with two inches of water. Let soak overnight. 
  2. Rinse cashews the following day and then add to blender.
  3. Add water, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar and salt into the blender with the cashews and blitz on high speed until very creamy and no bits remains - about 40-60 seconds on high. 
  4. Transfer the sour cream to a jar, cover with lid and place in fridge. As the sour cream cools it will thicken up. Leave over night for best results!

Cashew sour cream will stay good in the fridge for seven days; however, I doubt it will last that long once you start finding you can use this amazing cream in such a variety of dishes. You might bet that I've used it in place of greek yogurt and topped salads with it as well. (Add chopped dill and extra lemon juice for a take on ranch!) YUM!

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